Edible Louisville Issue #57:

1 Pleased and relieved.
1 Feeling or showing an appreciation for something
As we approach my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving, I would like to reflect on a couple words. Merriam-Webster defines thankful as “pleased and relieved that something has happened or not happened.”
In November 1621, after the Pilgrims’ first and desperately needed corn harvest proved successful, Governor William Bradford organized a celebratory feast that is now remembered as America’s “first Thanksgiving.” The Pilgrims were most certainly thankful for a successful harvest (i.e. pleased and relieved that something has happened) and I can easily understand how that eventually led to an annual national celebration being labeled “Thanksgiving.”
When I think more deeply about what is being celebrated this time of year, I am more drawn to the word grateful with its definition of “expressing appreciation.”
As you gather with friends and family over the coming weeks, go ahead and be thankful for the bounty of food being presented and shared … but also take time to be grateful for all the hands — from farm to table, rich or poor, brown or black or white, known or unknown — that make this holiday feast possible. Be thankful and be grateful.
In gratitude,
Steve Makela, Publisher