Blueberry Thrill

Stock up on blueberries to last all year
We are so lucky to live where blueberries thrive. When blueberry season rolls around, I drive over to Bryant’s Blueberries in New Salisbury, Indiana, to pick my fill — about 50 pounds. The berries there aren’t sprayed with anything — you can eat as many as you can while you’re picking — thank goodness they don’t weigh you before and after coming out of the berry patch!
The berries are a dream to pick — no thorns like many blackberries and raspberries. They are also a dream to deal with when you get them home — no pits to remove like cherries and no hulls to remove like strawberries. Just spoon them into freezer bags (I like the quart size) and put them in the freezer to enjoy all year long.