"Chickeneer" Hits the Road in Lexington
In an effort to make sustainable living more convenient, Travis Robinson has gone mobile with Floyd’s Farm & Home mobile store in Lexington. Outfitting a trailer into a mobile storefront, Robinson offers 8-week-old pullets, organic chicken feed, coops, supplies and gardening tools. Based on the old idea of a traditional general store, Robinson plans to move the store around Lexington selling supplies, building and servicing chicken coops and offering workshops aimed at building, strengthening and supporting community and sustainability.
Robinson also serves as “chief chickeneer” for Cooperative Lexington Urban Chicken Keepers (CLUCK), a group of chicken-keeping residents in Lexington. Robinson offer consultation services for new chicken keepers through a space CLUCK maintains at Good Foods Co-op, 455 Southland Dr. in Lexington.
Robinson secured funding for his business through the crowd-lending Kiva platform, raising capital in 20 days. For more information: FloydsFarmAndHome.com