Edible Louisville Issue #55:

“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ” ― Margaret Meade
My wife and I cut out recipes from various magazines and we each have our own separate sorted file system. My wife’s thickest one is labeled “Vegetables and Sides.” My thickest file is labeled “Desserts.”
The problem presented by the above is worse than you may think. To further complicate the situation for me, my wife actually cooks out of her file . . . while I mostly look at the pictures in mine.
Do you see any problems emerging here? They say, opposites attract and I believe in many ways that works for us. More importantly we depend on one another to make better decisions and that is absolutely true when it comes to food. It is a known fact that when people dine together, they usually eat better than when eating alone. At least for me that experience is absolutely true.
As we approach our 10th year of publishing Edible magazine, I have perhaps come to a crossroads. Having recently launched JoePatient, I find myself in need of more time on that front if it is to grow. However Edible requires time too. Thus, as I continue to try and juggle things and with no intent to drop either ball, the door is ajar for someone interested in partnering or taking over the wonderful voice of Edible as we move into the next decade. If you or someone you know would like to discuss this opportunity, send me an email and perhaps we can share a cup of coffee.
I think this is all I have to say right now - I will simply take a break and pull out my Desserts file for one more longingly review.
Steve Makela,
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief