Edible Louisville Issue #62:

“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead
I had planned to write inspiring thoughts about returning to “normal” with spring emerging post pandemic — spring forward, a time for rebirth, farmers full of activity, early garden flowers emerging from winter hibernation and on and on. But on this gray afternoon I am not quite there.
My mind remains stuck with thoughts of over 500,000 families mourning their loss, too many restaurants closed, many hard working people un- or under-employed, and the horrifying irony of massive expansion of income and health inequality over the past twelve months.
“Normal” is not an option for moving forward — it has never been.
I find solace in our community’s new initiative: Build Back Better, Together. This is a vision about creating a more prosperous and just future for all, particularly those residents who are most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and racial injustice. This gives me hope.
Building on that, let me conclude with a quote from our March 2020 issue that might have been lost last year in the emergence of the pandemic, but is worth repeating here:
“Every farmer who plants a seed takes a risk. We work through faith that the good deeds we do are to put down roots. The roots are invisible, but they sustain plants that may not give fruit for awhile. How lovely is the planting of seeds…” — Omid Safi
Steve Makela, Publisher