Edible Louisville Issue #65: Special Founder's Issue

It’s time…
Time is tricky. It passes most of its existence as a circular concept—around and around go the hands on the clock, the months on a calendar turn over, the sun repeatedly rises and sets and the seasons return year after year. I place time alongside concepts like space and God: The less you try to explain those opaque concepts in simplistic human terms, the better off you are.
But the fact of the matter is, time is mostly a straight line. That became abundantly clear to me on medical helicopter rescue this summer over the Grand Tetons after experiencing a completely unexpected widow-maker heart attack while my wife and I were visiting our daughter. Five heart stents later, I now fully recognize my life is a straight line.
I am honored to have spent 12 years of my straight line producing Edible magazine. I have learned much and benefited from the knowledge and experiences others have shared. A great team has been with me every step of the way, making possible everything we have done.
But it’s time. Time for me to hand the spatula of Edible Kentucky to new hands.
Please allow me to highlight many of my favorite articles over these past years in this Holiday issue. I hope you will enjoy these articles— whether seeing them for the first time or remembering them from the past readings. They are organized into categories—Essays, Eating, Champions, Restaurants, Recipes, and Gardening—representing key areas we have focused on over the years.
And now also look forward to what the next publisher will do with Edible Kentucky to make your reading pleasure even greater in 2022 and beyond!
Steve Makela, Publisher